
Supporting document guidance for 职业经理 applications

Candidates applying for professional registration have the option to upload documents (from a limited set) to support their application. Some of these documents may be mandatory - these will be identified on the registration checklist.

Any documents uploaded will need to be less than 2.5MB.

There are a number of file extension options, however PDF files are preferable. 

You can only upload one document per file type, 例如, if you have more than one certificate to upload these need to be in a single document. Multiple files uploaded separately will not be included in your application. 

Accountability diagram (CEng or IEng applications)

The accountability diagram should show two or three levels of authority above and below your post highlighting any professionally registered members of the 新萄新京十大正规网站 or similar professional bodies, noting their category of membership and registration. You should indicate yourself with an arrow, or similar, to show your position. If you have changed role or worked on more than one team or project, then you can include more than one diagram, but these should be included in the same file. The accountability diagram will be submitted alongside your professional registration application form if it is marked as current.


Please provide a copy of your further or higher education certificate(s) with your application.

You only need to provide copies of further or higher education certificate(s) relevant to the category of registration you are applying including any which you have already registered with the 新萄新京十大正规网站.

If you are applying for an approved apprentice route you should include a transcript of the knowledge and competence units you have completed, 还有你的学徒证书.


The Development Action Plan (DAP) is an optional part of the registration application. It is a demonstration of your commitment to maintaining and continuing professional competence, 通常被称为 持续新萄新京十大正规网站发展(CPD). This does not need to be linked to an organisation - it can be self-managed. This is not a record of past development – this will be evidenced in your application. This is a plan for the future with short and long-term goals and how you are going to achieve them.

If you are using 职业经理 to plan your development you can export a copy of your development action plan from the CPD - CPD Plan Reports and mentor feedback page. 你应该选择“新计划’ option to save and then download a copy of all active objectives to show your forward planning.

It is about identifying and prioritising your development needs and opportunities. For example, you may wish to move into engineering management, this may require you to gain an MBA. Your DAP should identify a blend of learning, 不同的学习方式, 包括基于工作的学习, across the competence and commitment areas (a mix of technical, management and personal development training, plus that specific to demonstrating a professional commitment, like safety training or training in engineering ethics.)

It is also about updating particular areas of competence, so that as a practicing engineer you are fully in line with the current requirements, development of personal and management skills and broadening of experience leading to new career opportunities.


也被称为a '新萄新京十大正规网站注册 > Self-Assessmenton 职业经理.

If you have a completed 新萄新京十大正规网站注册 Competence Assessment, you can include this to support your professional registration application. If you have a completed 新萄新京十大正规网站注册 Competence Assessment, you can include this to support your professional registration application. You can either use an assessment prepared in 职业经理 or manually upload a copy from another source. Upload it within the ‘Supporting Document’ area of 职业经理, by selecting ‘Manual Upload’ as the assessment file type. To use an assessment prepared in 职业经理 select ‘职业经理 Version’ and tick to confirm that the assessment is up to date.

N.B This document acts only as further evidence to support your application; you are still required to complete all elements of the application form including a detailed employment history. If you do not complete all areas of your application this may be returned to you to provide additional experience.